This would have been my favorite item I picked up that day except for the fact that there is no vinyl record inside the record sleeve. The lady at the thrift shop was ready to toss it out when I told her it didn't have a record inside. When I told it it was OK, that I just wanted the cover, she looked at me strange and tossed it into the bag for free. As a Disney record collector, I would have loved it if the vinyl was inside and in mint condition, but the cover is still a great addition to my collection. Heck I could just toss an old Village People record inside this cover and slide it back into its protective collectors sleeve (which I put all my records in - amazing how good an old scuffed up record looks when you put it into a protective sleeve!) and no one would ever know!

PS: If you are looking for collectors record sleeves, or just about any other item to protect your collectibles, check out Bags Unlimited. I especially like their resealable LP and 45 sleeves.
Hi Ronn,
If you want to hear this album, I have it posted on WaltsMusic.com
keep up the good work!
Thanks for the link. I'm surprised I had not found the Walt's Music site before now. Lots of great stuff to listen to!
I'll be sure to add a link on my front page too!
I actually ended up with this record just yesterday! Quite a suprise as noone I know has ever heard of it.
I was named after this movie. Never seen it. I would love to see the movie I was named after.
Dear Ronn,
I would be very grateful if you would be willing to scan and post the album cover, especially the inside that shows the forest adventure. It brings back such powerful memories from my child hood.
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